529 health insurance deduction

i know the IRA rules are for: tuition, supplies and book.

But, does the IRS consider the health insurnace charges that colleges make you pay, if you dont have health ins, a tuition deduction?

if the parking permit is on the tuition statment, is that allowed as a deduction?

If they particiapate in an Eqestrian club on campus, is that allowable for deduction?

Thank you,


Not sure what your question is here.

Are you asking about the Tuition and Fees Deduction on Form 1040. If so, health insurance does not qualify and certainly not an equestion club fee.

Where the does 529 come in? If there is a 529 distribution, expenses paid with that distribution cannot also be used for the tuition and fees deduction.
And if a 529 is being used for payment, qualified education expenses for that also do NOT include health insurance or the equestion club.

The health insurance only is not a qualified expense for either of the above, but might qualify for an itemized deduction for the student or parent.

The parking permit could probably be considered part of room and board if it is mandatory with the room and the student is at least half time. This would be for qualified expenses for a 529 distribution. Parking permit is not a qualified expense for the tuition and fee deduction.

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