Pre tax donations from IRA as part of RMD
This is about the “fiscal cliff avoidance” legislation passed last evening. Is there any chance this will permit direct contributions from a traditional IRA to count as part of the required minimum distribution?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2013-01-02 22:15
Permalink Submitted by fairira on Fri, 2013-01-04 08:53
Alan, Thank you for the link to the CCH Tax Briefing on the American Taxpayer Relief Act. I am confused by how to apply the 2 transition rules for IRA distributions to charities. The second rule “permits taxpayers to treat a distribution fom the IRA to the taxpayer made in December 2012 as a charitable distribution, if transferred to charity before February 1, 2013.” Q. 1: As a final part of his 2012 RMD a taxpayer received a $9,000. distribution in December 2012. If in January 2013 he writes and sends checks totalling $2,000. to several charities, these might merely qualify as 2013 tax-deductible contributions on an itemized deduction Schedule A, so what kind of January 2013 transfer to charities would enable him to reduce his 2012 taxable IRA distributions by a $2,000. “charitable distribution”? Q. 2: Whatever the necessary method of transfer $2,000. to the charities to qualify as 2012 transfers from his IRA, on his 2012 Form 1040 would he show the total 2012 IRA distributions to him in box 15a with $2,000. less in box 15b and “QCD” after the “Taxable amount” and should he also add an Explanation Statement to his 2012 Form 1040? Q. 3: Re the first transition rule that allows taxpayers “to recharacterize distributions made in January 2013 as made on December 31, 2012,” if he instructs his IRA institution (Vanguard) to distribute from his IRA a total of $2,000. in checks to several charities in January 2013 as a partial RMD, how does he “recharacterize these distributions as made on December 31, 2012”? I.e., on his 2012 Form 1040 does he increase the total 2012 IRA distributions to him in box 15a by $2,000. with $2,000. less in box 15b and “QCD” after the “Taxable amount” and does he add an Explanation Statement to his Form 1040? Q. 4: Wouldn’t such a recharacterization of the $2,000. to “as made on 12/31/12” increase his 2012 total and taxable distributions by $2,000. and also require him to still take his full 2013 RMD since that would not seem to include in it the recharacterized $2,000. distribution that would be applied to his 2012 tax year? Thank you very much for your help.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2013-01-04 17:15