403b & 401k RMD

This is a two part question.
First if you have two 403b’s at different employers can you combine the total and just take the required amount out of just one 403b?
Secondly, Im pretty cerain on this one, if you have a 401k & 403b can you do the same as mentioned above. This Im basically 100% postive that you cannot but on the “same type” of plan (i.e. both 403b) im not sure.
I know you can with IRA’s but can find offical word on other types of accounts.
Can you provide answer and an offical reference?
Thanks in advance.

Nick, see page 19024, Q 4 and 19025 Q 9 in the 2002 RMD IRS ruling. 403b and IRA RMDs can be aggregated with other accounts of the same type, but not with other types of plans. 401k RMDs are separate for each plan.http://benefitslink.com/src/taxregs/rmd2002final.pdf

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