PA estate tax limit

does anyone know if PA follows Fed estate tax limits or are they different like NJ, which still has a 675k estate limit?

Thank you,

Have client who is a Pastor with a 403b.  He is 67 this year.  will not retire for a few years.  He is allowed to use up to 4% for housing on withdrawal from his 403b.Quetions:a. he said he doesn’t get taxed if he uses the 4% withdrawal for houseing out of his 403b…is this correct? b. if we transfer his 403b to another 403b outside of his MBA account with the church, can he still use the 4% for housing allowance?c. can he use this 4% withdrawal for housing now and when he retires or just when he retires?d. as for the taxation on the 4%…is it never taxed or just not taxed while he is working?Any light you can shed on this would be great.Thank you.Douglas

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