Non-Spouse Beneficiary RMD

Good Afternoon

I am looking for guidance with the this fact pattern.

Account owner,75,died in 2012. 2012 RMD was taken in 2012
Sibling, 85, sole beneficiary.


Can the sibiling “stretch” using the deceased remaning life expactancy followed by the “reduce-by-one method?
If correct… does the bene use the Single Life Exectancy Table? The factor used is the age of the account owner if he/she was still alive (i.e. age 76; 22.0)

Thank you

An older beneficiary can use the remaining life expectancy of the deceased owner from the Single Life Table. The owner’s divisor in the year of death from this table would be 13.4, and the beneficiary RMD in the following year would use a divisor of 12.4 and then reduce this by 1.0 each successive year.

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