Roll SEP-IRA into solo 401(k)
In 2012 I created a solo 401(k) with TD Ameritrade. I have not funded this account yet but based on my 2012 earnings, I can fund it with the max contribution. But I’ve had some issues with TD and my plan is to create a solo 401(k) with Fidelity for future contributions. My 2012 earnings also qualify me for a max contribution to the SEP IRA.
Since I want to move my money out of TD and into Fidelity anyway, can I:
1) create a SEP-IRA with Fidelity (this takes seconds)
2) fund the SEP-IRA with 2012 contribution before the tax deadline
3) establish a solo 401(k) with Fidelity
4) roll over my Fidelity SEP-IRA into my Fidelity solo 401(k)
All while not affecting my ability to make pre-tax 2013 contributions to my new Fidelity solo 401(k)? This would also clear my SEP-IRA and I presume allow me to Roth convert my 2012/2013 TIRA contributions without disrupting my tax-deferred money.
I’m only assuming this is optimal because my income qualifies me for the max 2012 contribution into either type of account and then I can bypass any hassles of rolling from TD to Fidelity.
Submitted by Ken Mohn on Fri, 2013-04-05 22:10