Roth IRA question

I have a 69 client with two Roth IRAs that he is planning to leaving to his wife and children. I was thinking about using those funds to invest in a wealth transfer/insurance policy to leverage and amount that he can leave to his beneficiaries but I didn’t know what impact that would have on his taxes. I know that Roth IRA are tax free, after the waiting period, I didn’t know if withdrawing those funds, for reporting purposes, would have any unforeseen consequences.

There would not be any tax liability for the Roth distributions as long as he has met the 5 year holding period.

I guess I was wondering if there would be any impact on his social security benefits on the amount that could be taxed based on income earning limits. I am fairly fluent on the rules regarding Roth IRAs, my real question waas the social security isse if there was one.

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