Simple Ira conversion to a 401k plan
If an employer terminates a simple Ira and starts a new 401k can participants who have been in the plan less than 2 years rollover their balance to the 401k?
If an employer terminates a simple Ira and starts a new 401k can participants who have been in the plan less than 2 years rollover their balance to the 401k?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2013-10-15 16:42
No. Participant will have to wait out the 2 years before transferring to the 401k plan assuming the 401k will accept rollovers from IRA accounts.
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Mon, 2013-10-21 15:24
NY case 85 year old deceased in 2013 estate value approx 6.5 million. No surviving spouse 2 children. Question #1 Is exemption still 5,250,000 for children also with 40% top rate or different. Question#2 NYS estate tax exemption is 1,000,000 is this correct if yes does same apply to surviving children and what is top tax rate.