social security spousal question
I realize that this is an IRA forum and not a social security forum, and I apologize for being off-topic. However, I have found this forum an invaluable help in the past with IRA questions, and I am hoping that one of the experts on here will be kind enough to help me out with a social security question that I cannot seem to get a clear answer on.
Husband and wife are the same age. Husband’s benefit at full retirement age is $2,200. Wife’s benefit at full retirement age is $800. Wife decides to claim at 62 and husband waits until his full retirement age of 66.
If I understand correctly, for the first four years the wife will be collecting off of her own earnings history, which would be approximately $600/month ($800 reduced for claiming early). However, when her husband turns 66 and files, she is then eligible for the larger spousal benefit.
This is where I am confused. Will she then step up to 50% of his benefit ($1,100), or 35% ($770) because she filed early? I was under the impression that the spousal benefit was reduced to 35% because she filed at 62, but a friend was told by social security that she can still collect 50% of her husband’s benefit even though she began collecting her own benefit at 62.
Thanks in advance if anyone can clarify this for me!
Submitted by Jason Frank on Thu, 2013-11-14 16:07