Which IRA records and forms should be rtetained and for how long?
An 85-year old man owns 2 Vanguard IRA’s–a conversion RIRA and also a TIRA which was derived from contributions and from rollovers in 2009 of a Vanguard profit-sharing plan and money purchase pension plan.
He would like to retain only those records and forms which he or his IRA beneficiaries may need. Since 1998 Vanguard has maintained account records for its statements, tax forms, transaction history, etc.
What should the IRA owner himself retain and for how long and, after the IRA owner’s demise, what should his beneficiaries retain and for how long ?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2014-03-01 00:53
Permalink Submitted by fairira on Sun, 2014-03-02 03:45
Thank you, Alan.