IRA to IRA transfer
I have an IRA in the process of being transferred from existing
Custodian to new Custodian.
All but one “GNMA PASSTHROUGH” as been transferred plus a small amount of cash (from late dividends) is left. New Custodian says the remaining “GNMA PASSTHROUGH’ cannot be transferred because too small now (after years of principal re-payment). Total remaining market-value of “$20,000 GNMA” is about $200.oo. PLus about $30.oo cash left in account at this time.
MY QUESTION: After transfer coding has expired (or removed by old CUSTODIAN so sale can be made), should I have original Custodian sell above described GNMA and then transfer cash to new Custodian, by direction of old Custodian ? Must there be a “Transfer coding” in effect to make the delivery of cash to NEW CUSTODIAN ?
OR, should NEW CUSTODIAN make a new transfer-request to get the remaining cash instead of OLD CUSTODIAN simply sending it to NEW CUSTODIAN upon my instructions ? ( Or OLD CUSTODIAN sending the cash based on old transfer instructions ? )
Would it be simpler to simply WITHDRAW the remaining cash from OLD CUSTODIAN account (About $200.oo) as part of this year’s “normal distribution”, plus take the total RMD from NEW CUSTODIAN during this year ? (Then including BOTH distributions as TOTAL DISTRIBUTION FOR 2014 on next year’s tax return ? )
Thank you for your reply — I am afraid of the many, many IRA rules which might cause problems with my IRA. I feel like ED SLOTT & CO. is the formost IRA expert in the Country, and I can depend on your answers.
Jay L.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2014-04-16 16:05
Permalink Submitted by Jay Leiber on Wed, 2014-04-16 16:34
Thank you Alan for your FAST reply ! And thank you for answering all my questions !I am over 70, and in the “withdrawal stage”, so if any problems with transferring the cash, I will probably just take the remaining cash balance from OLD CUSTODIAN as part of this year’s total RMD, as you suggested. Jay L.