questions on early withdrawals (due to disability) and amounts
Hi all,
I turn 50 years old this month, and have been approved for social security disability (I am legally blind). In January, I plan on taking withdrawals from my IRA (I just rolled it over from my previous employer). I do have some questions:
I don’t want to just assume that because I am on social security disability that the IRS will automatically consider me disable as well and waive the 10 percent tax penalty. Should I contact them first before doing anything?
How do I figure out how much I should take each month from my IRA? Would I use the single life expectancy table? If I start in January 2015, would I use age 50 or 51 since my birthday won’t be until May?
Thanks in advance!
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2014-05-09 00:20
Permalink Submitted by Al Ticineto on Fri, 2014-05-09 00:26
Thanks Alan! I appreciate it!
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Fri, 2014-05-09 16:08
I would suggest a small change from Alan’s recomendation to treat distributions like an inherited account. That is the IRS having a guaranteed certain time to deplete the account.I would use the same table, but get the new factor from the table each year. It is a minor point, but would treat it as your account to adapt to your circumstances. Unless there is an underlying medical condition that caused the blindness or other factor(s) affecting longevity.