Qualified SPIA
Please refresh my memory;
Does the annual income created from a SPIA with qualiied dollars provide any relief for RMD puposes?
Please refresh my memory;
Does the annual income created from a SPIA with qualiied dollars provide any relief for RMD puposes?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2014-05-20 18:37
An IRA SPIA annual payment satisfies the RMD for that account only. and other IRA accounts with an account balance must satisfy their RMDs separately. The only exception is the first year the SPIA begins, and for that year only the RMD can be aggregated between the SPIA and the other IRAs because there was a prior year end balance before the SPIA began. SPIAs with a term less than life expectancy would generally result in all of the distributions deemed to be RMDs.