Tax benefit of grantor trust
Can wife and I designate my disabled son’s 1st party special needs trust as the beneficiary of our IRA’s so that he gets MRD’s based on his age and so that the MRD’s are included as income on his personal return and taxed at his rates rather than trust rates. The special needs trust of course cannot not distribute cash to my son and can only buy goods and services for his sole benefit. Our non-retirement(non-IRA) assets will go to a third party trust but earnings there will be taxed at higher trust rates.
PS: Also how should the beneficiary designation read. a)”John Doe 1st pty spl needs trust dated 99/99/2012″ or b) Trustee of the John Doe1st pty spl needs trust dated 99/99/2012″. I posted a more complex question earlier. Hopefully this one is easier to comment on.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2014-05-23 03:14