Roth Dollars — 401k
I know this is not an IRA specific question, but can any one assist with my scenario?
I am 50 and have funds in a Roth account within my 401k plan. My plan permits the purchase of life insurance. I understand that distribution from Roth funds can only occur (without penalty) when the plan has been in place for at least 5 years and I am over the age of 59 1/2.
So, question. If I use Roth funds to pay the premium on a 5-pay life insurance policy with the intent of taking out policy loans later on (while I am still operating my business of course), I am assuming that the distribution of the policy or its fair market value would be non-taxable provided 1) only Roth funds were used to pay the premiums, 2) the Roth account has been open and funded for at least 5 years and 3) when the distribution occurs I am over the age of 59 1/2.
To me, this is no different than if I used Roth funds to invest into mutual funds and took distributions from the plan after 5 years and 59 1/2. Am I missing something?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2014-05-22 22:58
Not missing anything. Distributions from the Roth 401k would be qualified and fully tax free under these circumstances, but of course your plan would have to permit distributions while you are still working, and it may permit these after age 59.5. Check into that. Whether you should convert your Roth funds into life insurance is another issue altogether.
Permalink Submitted by sydney p on Fri, 2014-05-23 19:11
Thank you so much for confirming what I was thining. And, yes, whether funds should be used for that purpose is totally different question.