Roth IRA resets 5 year clock with each new conversion Y/N
I read somewhere that after each new conversion from a IRA to a Roth IRA the 5 year clock is reset. As I try to convert each year an amount within my tax allowances thereby negating any tax liability this is of interest to me if it is true. PLEASE TELL ME THE FACTS REGARDIN THE ABOVE.
Many thanks in advance
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2014-06-16 20:28
There are two different and unrelated 5 year holding periods. The first is measured from the first year of any Roth contribution and never changes. Along with reaching 59.5, this holding period determines when the Roth is qualified and earnings are tax free. The second holding period applies to each conversion and only affects when that conversion can be distributed without a 10% penalty. This is the one you read about and this conversion holding period stops after 5 years from each conversion or age 59.5, whichever is reached first.
Permalink Submitted by tomtom on Tue, 2014-06-17 22:45
There is a part 2 to “the second holding period” iracritic mentions. While the after age 59.5 Roth IRA conversion amount may be distributed (or inherited) without penalty, the earnings of that conversion require 5 years to be qualified. Please correct me if this detail is misunderstoodRegardsTomtom
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2014-06-17 22:54
What you indicated to be a part 2 of the second holding period is the first holding period I described.
Permalink Submitted by Ray Bragg on Wed, 2014-06-18 14:41
Clarification please“holding period stops after 5 years from each conversion or age 59.5, whichever is reached first.”So any conversion after 59.5 does not reset 5yr clock on earnings withdrawal for all or any earnings related to the account.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2014-06-18 16:14