RMD and 401K Rollover
I am presently employed and I am 70 years and 11 mos old. I have 2 401K accounts:
1-with my previous employer at Prudential
2-with my current employer at X
Yesterday, and for the first time ever, I received a notice from Prudential about the RMD. My current employer plan ,X, does not require an RMD as long as you are employed and not yet retired. My questions are:
1-Can I rollover my Prudential 401K account into my current 401K account at X,and thus avoid the RMD? If that is not possible,
2-What are my options to avoid the RMD? I plan to retire in 5 years.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2014-08-11 22:49