Late Filing/Late Payment – Recharacterization Possible?
First of all, I should mention that I am in the process of performing an Offshore Voluntary Disclosure.
Consequently, I was surprised by an offshore capital gain in 2013. When I amend my 2013 tax return (which was filed before April 15, 2014), I assume that I will be considered “late filing” and “late payment”. Since I did not request an “extension”, I also assume that I did not file “timely”.
Question 1: Since my taxable income will now be increased, can I now (prior to October 15, 2014) validly recharacterize my 2013 Roth IRA conversion?
Question 2: Since I may not be able to file my amended return by October 15, 2014, will that affect my ability to validly recharacterize my 2013 Roth IRA conversion?
Any assistance most appreciated.
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2014-09-20 18:24