Excluding new employees from SEP
If a single person business owner, who has been contributing to his own SEP, hires someone to the firm, can we wait 3 years to begin to contribute to that person based on the 3 out of 5 year rule for SEP contributions by employers to new employees?
Can the owner keep contributing to his own SEP for those 3 years but leave out all new hires until they reach the 3 year level?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2014-10-15 00:15
Yes, you can wait if the 3 of 5 year rule is adopted by the plan. The owner must also comply, however a less restrictive provision may be adopted until the owner qualifies and then the plan can adopt the 3 of 5 rule. From the IRS site:
Permalink Submitted by Robert Taylor on Wed, 2014-10-15 13:12
Good information– but it raised an important question: So an owner who had no employees when he launched his business but was setting aside SEP money each year has, by default, assumed a less restrictive provision since he is saving funds from day 1. Would that stance carry over to each new employee so they, by default, also fall under the “day 1” contribution rules? The above explanation seems to indicate that ALL individuals fall under the same rules, so if the employees wait 3 years so does the owner. Is this true? My real life situation is that two partners have been contributing to their SEP’s based on a business that they founded 4 years ago with no other employees until 2014 when they began to hire. Their CPA wonders if they can avoid paying anyone a SEP contribution for 3 years while they continue to contribute to their SEP but that raised the above point– if the owners allowed themselves to save from day 1 wouldn’t that force them to contribute for the employees immediately? Otherwise, they plan to institute a 401k but wanted to wait until 2015 to do so.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2014-10-15 19:04