401k direct conversion to Roth vs rollover to TIRA then conversion to Roth
I’d like to understand/clarify the following:
1. Can you convert a 401k directly to a Roth?
If yes, would this eliminate your ability to recharacterize if desired?
If recharacterization is still possible, would a conversion done in December 2014 affect your ability to recharacterize in 2015?
In general does the time of year you convert play a role in maximizing your benefits?
2. Would you recommend rolling over to TIRA first and then doing Roth conversion?
What are the pros and cons of taking a multi-step approach?
3. How long does the process normally take to:
A. Convert 401k directly to Roth?
B. Rollover to TIRA and then do Roth conversion?
( I’m trying to determine my deadline for having this completed for the 2014 tax year)
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2014-11-18 03:20