QRP Successor (Not Contingent) Beneficary Issue
QRP participant (Mom) died in 2012 after her RBD. Adult child A and adult child B were beneficiaries of Mom’s QRP. Child B died in 2013 before initiating non-spouse rollover to inherited IRA. Child B, who was incompetent upon Mom’s death, died unmarried, childless, and intestate, leaving Child A as the sole heir at law.
Child A wants a non-taxable, direct plan-to-IRA TRANSFER of dead Child B’s half of Mom’s QRP to an IRA that will pay out to Child A over dead Child B’s remaining life expectancy … i.e.,
IRA Mom (DECD) f/b/o Child A, Bene of Estate of Child B, Bene of Child B, Bene of Mom
Child A doesn’t want a lump sum distribution from QRP to dead Child B’s estate under the estate’s FEIN.
I’m getting inconsistent communications from QRP and still do not have QRP documents to evaluate … how do QRPs typically treat the “successor beneficiary” situation?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2014-11-21 21:48