About Disclaiming an IRA
The Setup:
George w.,age 74,has an IRA;RBD at age 701/2; died 1 Feb. 2015;RMD for 2015 not taken.
His wife,age 72,has her own IRA; RBD at age 701/2; she is his Primary Beneficiary.
His two children, ages in the mid 50s, are the Contingent Beneficiaries.
George’s wife feels that she dose not need all of his IRA and decides she should Disclaim part of it.
The Questions:
1-May the Primary Beneficiary Disclaim part of an IRA? Is the Disclaiming Process one that requires Disclaiming all of the assets of none of them?
2-Who withdraws the amount for George’s RMD?
3-By doing (2 would the Disclaimer be nullified?
4-Who pays the Income Tax due on the RMD amount-George’s Wife or his Estate?
5-What is the procedure for George’s Wife to actually accomplish the Disclaimer?
6-While George’s Wife has the Spousal Option to accept the Undisclaimed IRA assets
as her own, do the Disclaimed assets pass directly to the Contingent Beneficiaries?
7-Assuming the Contingent Beneficiaries, George’s two children, are to receive those
Disclaimed assets, what is the appropriate process by which they ought to share them?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2015-03-13 19:21
Permalink Submitted by John Peterson on Sat, 2015-03-14 14:04
With respect to the answer in paragraph 6 isn’t the deadline for creating the inherited IRAs if the benes want to use their individual life expectantcies 9/30/16?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2015-03-14 16:48
No, it is 12/31/2016. The 9/30 date is the deadline for either paying off a beneficiary or eliminating the beneficiary by disclaimer so that the beneficiary is not considered in determining the designated beneficiary for RMDs. For example, if disclaiming beneficiary is the oldest of 3, disclaiming by 9/30 will remove that beneficiary, but the remaining two still need to create separate accounts by 12/31 or they will have to use the life expectancy of the oldest of the two. I guess you could look at 9/30 as the deadline for total elimination of a beneficiary and 12/31 for separation determination of the RMD divisor for those still remaining.
Permalink Submitted by Edward W. Jew Jr. on Sat, 2015-03-14 00:54
To Alan-iracritic: Thank you for the update information regardng the subject.