two life, required min distribution from retirement account if beneficiary is marital trust ,not spouse
Can a marital trust with only the wife as immediate beneficiary but ultimate (at her demise )beneficiaries the children, qualify to use dual life tables(reduced rate) for withdrawal rate of required minimum distributions? (wife 11 years younger) Husband 80, wife 68. Retirement accounts (IRA and 401k)are left to marital trust for use of wife until her death.
If the wife is the direct beneficiary of one of 2 or 3 separate 401ks but not for the other accounts, can the dual life tables be used for the RMD in that one, using the single life for the others?
If the wife is the sole beneficaiary of all of the accounts for this year and one or two other years with rmd rates from the dual table for those years and then the beneficiary is changed with a return to the single rate RMD ?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2015-04-03 21:21