RMD for year of death
IRA owner died in January 2015. His estate is the beneficiary of the IRA. Does the executor have to withdraw an RMD for 2015 based on 2014 year-end value.
Attorney for executor is telling us no RMD is required since the entire IRA is going to the estate. What if the IRA is not distributed to the estate by 12/31/2015?
If RMD is required by year-end, I need code and regs to cite to the attorney.
Thank you in advance,
Art Dicker
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2015-10-08 19:41
If the entire balance will be distributed to the estate before year end, the RMD will be satisfied. Or perhaps the executor will assign the inherited IRA to the beneficiaries of the estate who could get a limited stretch period. But the year of death RMD for the decedent is due as a minimum by 12/31/2015. The following is copied from IRS Reg 1.401(a)(9) -5 Q/A 4:
Permalink Submitted by Arthur Dicker on Thu, 2015-10-08 19:49
Thank you, Alan.
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Mon, 2015-10-12 13:54
Alan, please clarify for me, as this comes up a bit and I’m confused. Everything says that if he “dies on or after the required beginning date…”. I understand there is only one RBD, which is April 1 in the year after reaching 70 1/2. So, if he dies prior to that day, even though he was 70.5 when he died, there would be no RMD, correct? example – is 70.5 in 2015, dies in 2015, no RMD. Dies in Feb. 2016, no RMD for 2015. Dies April 15th, 2016 RMD for 2015 was due on the 1st and RMD for 2016 is due by year end. Is this correct? – m
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2015-10-12 19:30