Inherited 457 to Beneficiary Roth IRA
I believe a non-spouse bene can direct transfer their beneficial interest in a decedent’s 457 plan directly to an inherited Roth IRA. I believe taxes would be due on the transferred amount as a conversion. I have a couple of questions – 1) could all/part of this now beneficial Roth IRA be recharacterized and, if so, what would it go to? and, 2) would paying the taxes out of the proceeds of the 457 in transit to the bene Roth IRA be able to satisfy the RMD required on the bene Roth IRA?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2016-01-14 23:43
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Fri, 2016-01-15 00:55
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2016-01-15 16:13
thanks for the input. Let me see if I follow – In late 2015 mom dies. Child inherits the 457 as named beneficiary. In early 2016, plan sponsor notifiies bene of options. Child decides to take the 457 and convert to Beneficial Roth IRA. 2016 is the first year a bene RMD is required. In the process of making this “conversion” to Bene Roth IRA, taxes are withheld from the proceeds. You’re saying these would not satisfy the RMD on the bene Roth IRA since it doesn’t exist until the balance hits the account. Now I’m wondering that since the 457 was child’s at beginning of 2016, wouldn’t there be an RMD required on the balance, that would have to be taken prior to conversion anyway, and those withheld taxes would satisfy that? The first year of an RMD on the Bene Roth would be 2017?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2016-01-15 17:08
m, yes that is correct. Child must satisfy the inherited 457 RMD prior to or at the time of the direct rollover. The withholding is being taken from the 457 plan and only the net is included in the direct rollover to the inherited Roth IRA. The 2016 457 RMD was satisfied by the withholding. There is no inherited Roth or inherited TIRA RMD due until 12/31/2017 for 2017. The inherited Roth can be recharacterized before 10/15/2017 to an inherited TIRA which will eliminate the tax bill on the direct rollover to the inherited Roth, but not on the withholding taken from the 457. The 2017 IRA RMD should not be taken until after the recharacterization to an inherited TIRA, and withholding for 2017 could also be taken from the 2017 inherited TIRA RMD distribution.
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2016-01-15 17:47
great, thanks!