RMD question death of surviving spouse
I am looking for clarify with the following fact pattern…
T-IRA owner, wife, > 70.5 died in late 2015 – she took her 2015 RMD prior to death
Early 2016 her beneficiary; surviving spouse (also > 70.5) made the IRA his own. He named his his step son beneficiary
Short after re titling the account he passed away
Is the stepson required to take a 2016 RMD that on behalf of his step dad
Thank you
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2016-02-10 22:12
Yes. Step dad is treated as if he owned the IRA the entire year and his RMD for 2016 would be based on the 12/31/2015 balance. The step son must take this RMD by 12/31/2016.