Contribution limits for Solo Roth 401(k)
While conventional IRAs and 401(k) plans have limits related to your earned income, is there a similar limit for solo Roth 401(k)’s?
Or is it merely the $18,000 maximum contribution plus the $6000 make up contribution for those over 50.
Sadly, I don’t make $24,000 a year in earned income, but automatically put in the maximum.
I am not depositing any deferred income, only after tax money.
I should point out that TurboTax does not flag the $18,000 + $6,000 amounts as over the limit for a solo Roth 401(k), but does flag it for a conventional 401(k).
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2016-03-09 23:10
Do you get a W-2 as an S Corp shareholder? Or file Sch C?
Permalink Submitted by Edgar Dworsky on Wed, 2016-03-09 23:54
Schedule c… Sole proprietorship.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2016-03-10 00:41
I don’t know why it would be different. The elective deferral limit is the lower of the 402g dollar limit or the compensation generally defined as follows::
Permalink Submitted by Edgar Dworsky on Thu, 2016-03-10 11:15
Thanks. Does anyone else have any thoughts?