Rollover IRAs
Client who resides in NJ has 3 Rollover IRAs aggregating $650k in total (from old 401k Plans).
1. Is there any reason why they cannot/should not be combined?
2. Is the federal bankruptcy limit applicable to Rollover IRAs from qualified plans? Or simply IRAs funded with contributions? What is the current federal limit (I believe around $1.25 million).
3. Do you know how NJ treats Inherited IRAs from a creditor perspective (given the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Inherited IRAs in late 2014)? Do you believe that spouses would be treated the same as non-spouses in terms of Federal law? Would use of a see-thru trust, whether conduit or acceleration and whether for a spouse or non-spouse, potentially avoid the Inherited IRA creditor ruling at the Federal level?
4. Finally, if client contributed to an employer-sponsored retirement plan in the past that was not a 401(k) Plan (e.g. old money purchase; profit sharing only; etc.)., so any contributions made were not tax deductible for NJ tax purposes, is the only way to receive a pro-rata % of distributions tax-free for NJ income tax purposes if the client has records of contributions to support the basis calculation?
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2016-04-19 21:55
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sun, 2016-04-24 03:18