Inherited Roth IRA Distribution
A parent died in 2003 with a Roth IRA and hadn’t taken any distributions. Nothing was distributed until the account was discovered in 2015 when there was a total distribution to a son as the beneficiary. The 1099-r had a distribution code of T. Apparently the entire amount is taxable and reported on line 19 of Form 8606 and ends up as taxable on line 25. I think this is because it wasn’t distributed within 5 years after the year of death of the parent. I assume you must file Form 5329 and would like to file it with the 2015 1040 tax return and ask for a waiver of the penalty. How do I complete Form 5329 Part IX line 52 through 55? The value in the account when cashed was 6,000. How do I calculate the required minimum distribution and since the amount distributed was a 100% of the account and that would be higher than any minimum required distribution I am assuming there would be no need to request a penalty waiver for 2015 but possible would have to go back and file Form 5329’s beginning with the 5th year after the death of death and request penalty waivers for each year. Is this correct?
Would I have to know the value of the account at 12-31-04 to calculate a required minimum distribution for 2015
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2016-10-10 21:21