IRA eligibility
US Citizen working in China – has no US Earned income- all income is in the form of Yuan
Can they fund an IRA? My understanding is earned income (US dollars) is required?
All help is appreciated
US Citizen working in China – has no US Earned income- all income is in the form of Yuan
Can they fund an IRA? My understanding is earned income (US dollars) is required?
All help is appreciated
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2016-10-24 17:00
Earned income is required, but income excluded under the FEIE is not eligible so if the FEIE is elected the income must be higher than the exclusion. Usually a Roth contribution is made if FEIE applies but the excluded amount is included in MAGI, so there might be a narrow income window for a Roth contribution.