Beneficiary won’t sign paperwork for inherited IRA
My brother passed away last month and my sister and I are beneficiaries of my brother’s IRA.
I have signed the paperwork to set up an inherited IRA for myself, but my sister has not agreed to sign the paperwork. Unfortunately she suffers from paranoia (her paranoia has been well documented by the Department of Children and Families in Florida, but she has never been legally declared incompetent) and she is afraid to sign the paperwork.
Because the brokerage house that has my brother’s IRA can’t persuade my sister to open an inherited IRA, they told me that it would be best if my brother’s year-of-death RMD (about $25,000) be given entirely to me, just so that the distribution can be made this year. They don’t even plan to ask my sister’s permission to do this. I asked them if I can then receive half of my brother’s IRA in my inherited IRA – LESS $25,000 – so that in the end my sister would receive the same amount that I do (assuming she eventually agrees to sign the paperwork to open her own inherited IRA) but they just gave me a runaround, saying “don’t worry, everything will be taken care of.” I also asked them if the IRS would even allow them to give me the entire year-of-death distribution and they told me that I’m overthinking this and there’s nothing to worry about.
But I’m worried. What if I get audited, and they discover that I got my brother’s entire year-of-death RMD? Would I get in trouble for taking it all and leaving my sister with nothing? Or would they penalize my sister and require her to pay a 50% excise tax because she never took her distribution? Or both? It seems like there’s a lot of holes here.
Also, I’m wondering what happens to my sister’s half of my brother’s IRA if she never disclaims the IRA and never opens an inherited IRA. Is there a time period after which it would be automatically taken care of in some way? Would it go back to my brother’s estate? And to complicate matters further, my sister is a beneficiary of my brother’s estate!
Just to let you know, I’m not worried about the tax implications of this for me. I’ll gladly pay the tax on the extra $25,000 of income I would receive this year if this arrangement can solve the problem of distributing all of my brother’s year-of-death distribution and give my sister a chance to come around and sign the paperwork.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2016-11-11 19:45