$01(k) and RMD
I retired in January 2016. I had both Traditional and Roth 401(k) elements within the 401(k) totals because my former employer instituted the Roth option only several years ago, long after starting its Traditional 401(k) plan. My first RMD is due in 2016. The IRA fiduciary (Principal) informed me of the RMD amount due for 2016. I queried the fiduciary as to whether this sum was based only on the Traditional 401(k) portion of my account or whether it was based on the total account balance including the Roth element of the (401(k). The fiduciary responded that the RMD is based on the entire account balance, including the Roth element. On the face of the matter, this does not seem correct. I thought the Roth aspect of 401(k)s and IRAs eliminates the need for RMDs.
FYI, I asked Vanguard about whether they include the Roth IRAs I have with them, along with Traditional IRAs, in calculating the RMD. They told me at the Roth IRAs are excluded from the RMD calculation. USAA said the same thing.
Question: Is the basis for calculating RMDs different for 401(k) plans as contrasted with the basis for IRAs with respect to including or not including Roth sums?
Thank you. Douglas
Permalink Submitted by Peter Thomann on Wed, 2016-11-30 19:30
Roth 401(k)s are subject to RMD rules. To avoid the RMDs of a Roth 401(k) you may want to consider rolling it over to a Roth IRA. Once rolled into the Roth IRA, RMDs will not apply.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2016-11-30 21:25
Note that if you rolled the pre tax and Roth 401k amounts over to an IRA in 2016, the RMDs for each portion of the 401k should not have been included in the amount rolled over to the IRAs. If the full value of your 401k accounts were rolled over to IRAs, then you have an excess contribution to both your TIRA and Roth IRA which must be corrected. But once Roth 401k money has been rolled into a Roth IRA, RMDs stop starting in the following year, but there was still an RMD on the Roth 401k account for the year of the rollover. To any ANY Roth 401k RMDs, you have to roll the entire balance of the Roth 401k into a Roth IRA PRIOR TO the year you reach 70.5 or the year you retire if later.
Permalink Submitted by Douglas Broome on Fri, 2016-12-02 16:54
Thanks for clarification. I recognize that my RMD for 2016 is based on the 401k total (Traditional and Roth) as of December 31, 2015. I further understand that I may elect to have all the 2016 RMD taken from only the Traditional (taxable) part of the total 401k, thus leaving the Roth element unreduced by the 2016 RMD. Is this correct? The 401k fiduciary (Principal) tells me that, if I roll over the full Roth element of the 401k to a Roth IRA before December 31, 2016, the RMD calculation for the 2017 RMD will be based solely on the remaining Traditional (taxable) portion of the 401k as of the end of 2016. If this is correct, it means I should save a few thousand dollars when I pay the 2017 RMD. Do I have this thinking right? Many thanks. Douglas.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2016-12-02 19:26
Not exactly. The 401k RMD must be calculated and taken separately from both the pre tax and the Roth portions of the account. The 2016 RMD for each portion should not be included in any rollover. The 2017 401k RMD is based on the 12/31/2016 balance so they are correct that if there is no balance in the respective portions of the plan at the end of this year there will be no 2017 RMD due. While you cannot avoid the 2016 Roth 401k RMD, with the rollover to a Roth IRA of the full balance (ex the 2016 RMD), you will have no Roth RMDs in the future since the Roth IRA does not have RMDs.
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sat, 2016-12-03 07:43
Permalink Submitted by Douglas Broome on Sat, 2016-12-03 16:32
Thanks to both for your clarifications. I gather tfrom them that (1) I may take the entire 2016 RMD (Roth element plus Traditional element) from the Traditional 401k portion, leaving the Roth portion intact. (2) I further gather than my gambit of rolling the Roth and Traditional 401k elements into Roth and Traditional IRAs prior to December 31, 2016, will keep the Roth IRA out of the 2017 RMD calculation. Thanks.
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sat, 2016-12-03 17:43
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2016-12-03 21:45
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sat, 2016-12-03 23:43
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2016-12-04 00:51
The above is the referenced paragraph from Grossman’s article. Seems to leave several questions up in the air. All withdrawals are distributions whether distributed to participant or is a direct rollover. If pre tax RMD is 8k and Roth RMD is 4 k, the first 12k distributed is RMD money no matter where it goes. Under aggregation that 12k can come in any combination from the pre tax account or Roth. Are these options explained to the participant so participant can elect the source of funds? In this example, Doug would ask for 12k to be distributed to him from the pre tax account, electing taxes over Roth depletion. His former co worker may conversely want to lower his tax bill so would rather have the full RMD taken from the Roth. But the wording above INFERS that before the Roth is qualified, his co worker does NOT have this option. That is not normal aggregation as we know it. Can co worker take ANY amount from the Roth, or just not the entire amount? ……………….Another common situation is a worker doing rollovers early in the year not intending to retire. Then he retires in December making his earlier direct rollover an RMD up to the amount of the total RMD for both pre tax and Roth. Rollovers were done on the same date to both TIRA and Roth IRA. Does the worker have a choice of which IRA contains the excess contribution and how much of each is excess since an aggregated RMD has now been rolled over to two IRA types? So not only is Grossman stating the RMDs can be aggregated, he appears to be coming up with a different form of aggregation rule dependent on taxability of the distribution. That was not the case when an after tax sub account was distributed as part of the pre tax account, since the RMD was unaffected by taxability including NUA. Finally, I think we are seeing why no one else in the retirement industry wants to write about this issue.
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sun, 2016-12-04 04:08
Yes, it could end up as a real mess under those circumstances.
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Sun, 2016-12-04 14:43
In making this statement, I think that Grossman is indicating an option, not a requirement, providing an example of why one *might* want to choose that a particular account be used to satisfy the combined RMD.
Permalink Submitted by Douglas Broome on Sun, 2016-12-04 17:15
The fiduciary for my 401k (Principal) has told me that what I want to do is OK administratively, technically, and legally. I confirmed this answer with Vanguard and USAA where I have Roth and Traditional IRAs. It further seems, from this current discussion with Alan and Benn, that my intention is probably acceptable–unless I as a layman am failing to understand their comments. This thread has likely illuminated one thing: Initially I had been planning to postpont my entire 2016 RMD until not later than April 1, 2017. Then I modified this idea to rolling over the Roth portion of the 401k to a Roth prior to December 31, 2016, thus excluding it from the calculation of the 2017 RMD. I was thinking as well to leave the non-Roth portion of the 401k as is; that is with Principal as 401k. I would then take the 2017 RMD from the remaining non-Roth 401k before April 1, 2017. This may be fraught with complications, I now suspect. I conclude that, if I want to proceed with my desire to exclude the Roth portion of the 401k from the 2017 RMD, I would be well advised to take the 2016 RMD from the non-Roth portion of the 401k first; that is, before doing the rollover of the Roth portion of the 401k to a Roth IRS. Thus: take the entire RMD in early December 2016 and a few days later–still in December 2016–do the Roth 4012k portion rollover into a Roth IRA. This means taking the entire 2016 RMD in 2016, not in 2017 before April 1.With respect to my particular issues, I would welcome learning how the concept of “qualified” Roth distribution applies. Thanks everyonew for educating me about this matter. Douglas
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2016-12-04 18:30
Permalink Submitted by Douglas Broome on Sun, 2016-12-04 22:52
Alan, Thank you again. Very helpful. My overarching goal is/has been to preserve the Roth monies intact, and earning tax-free, for as long as possible. I do not foresee needing to access the Roth funds possibly ever. I am fortunate to have enough pension and social security, plus Taditional IRAs and regular investments, to cover my and my spouse’s needs, given our ages. The only reason I wanted to defer the 2016 RMD to 2017 is because I calculated that doing so would not propel me into a higher tax bracket in 2017. Reverting this 2016 RMD to being paid out in 2016 will not have large financial consequences for me, only minor ones. For this reason and avoiding any possible mixups and consequences of auditing, I think the safe thing to do is take the 2016 RMD a few days prior to executing the rollover of the remaining non-Roth 401k and the Roth 401k element to non-Roth and Roth IRAs in December the current month. I therefore need to get started now with the 2016 RMD.I believe I have had the Roth 401k under my employer’s plan for five years. Therefore it must be “qualified.” I must check for certain.Does the need to have had the Roth 401k for five years apply to each Roth 401k plan, or does the calendar counting begin only with the first Roth 401k plan? The same question arises with respect to Roth IRAs: Does each Roth IRA have its own five-year calendar for becoming “qualified,” or does the calendar counting begin with the first Roth IRA I start? What happens to the five year counting to become “qualified” when I move a Roth IRA from one fiduciary to another either before or after five years?FYI, my former employer is a small nonprofit association with a total 401k plan value of under $5 million. I would think that it is hardly audit bait. From my knowledge of the people involved, I am confident they have been doing everything as right as possible and not trying any questionable maneuvers.Thank you again. Douglas
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2016-12-04 23:22
Douglas, the 5 year aging period for a Roth IRA begins with the first Roth IRA contribution to any Roth IRA. Changes of any kind after that do not change the first contribution year. Unlike a Roth 401k, for a Roth IRA your earnings always come out last. The Roth 401k balance rolled into the Roth IRA will be qualified, so will be treated as regular Roth IRA contributions once in the Roth IRA. That means the amount you rolled in to the Roth will be available without tax or penalty anytime you wish. Roth IRA earnings will not be tax free until 2021 but they will be a small portion of the account.
Permalink Submitted by Douglas Broome on Tue, 2016-12-06 16:17
Thanks, everyone for helping through this thicket. To sum up, I conclude the following: (1) I am well advised to take my 2016 RMD from the non-Roth (pretax) portion of the 401k immediately; meaning, prior to rolling over the Roth portion of the RMD to a Roth IRA. (2) That way I eliminate any possible problems resulting from doing the Roth rollover this year (2016) and then taking the 2016 RMD from the non-Roth (pretax) portion before April 1, 2017. This is OK with me because the amount of 2016 RMD money involved, and the derived tax consequences in 2016 and/or 2017, from the 2016 RMD is vastly insufficient to warrant complicating my life if the vague rules should come to bite me via an audit, a misinterpretation of rules, or a misunderstanding in general.Please let me know if I am thinking correctly or not. Douglas
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2016-12-06 17:05
That is correct. Just as a precaution, if you have any printed material indicating that the plan administrator states that the TOTAL RMD for both parts can be taken solely from the pre tax portion, I would keep a copy of that documentation in the unlikely case where this ever becomes an issue.