Does this distribution need to include the word “IRA” anywhere on the check or stub?
IRA brokerage account has now been transferred due to death as an Inherited Traditional IRA . Just prior to transferring to the inherited IRA, an IRA distribution to the sole Non Spouse beneficiary was made. The attached stub (not the check) lists the Transaction Type as “Death Distribution from Decedent Account,” check # and gross & net amounts. The check is issued to the beneficiary and shows the net amount, part of the account # (of decedent account because this first distribution was one that wasn’t taken by decedent in year of death) and says, “From an Account holder of [Custodian’s Name]. There is no mention of “IRA” on either the stub or check. hope this is okay. Does this distribution need to include the word “IRA” anywhere on the check or stub? Also, will future distributions from the new Inherited account to the beneficiary need to include the word “IRA” anywhere on the check or stub and is it okay if they continue to say “Death Distribution?”
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Sun, 2016-12-04 17:30
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Sun, 2016-12-04 18:22
I think I misunderstood the question. I took it to mean that a payment made to the beneficiary was rolled over, but after reading Alan’s reply, it does now seem that the distribution to the beneficiary was separate and only the remainder of the account was later transferred to the Inherited IRA by trustee-to-trustee transfer. Sorry for the confusion.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2016-12-04 17:56
Perhaps the transfer to an inherited IRA was done correctly and the prior distribution check was limited to the year of death RMD not completed by the decedent. The only critical element placed on a distribution check is the correct name of the beneficiary, but the inherited IRA account must be properly titled showing the names of both the decedent and the beneficiary, or the beneficiary entity if the beneficiary is a non individual.