NUA for someone who turns 55 in the year separate from service
I have a client who is 54, and is turning 55 next year in 2017. As of Jan 1st, he is also losing his job. We are able to take distributions from his 401k prior to rolling it and are utilizing the §72(t)(2)(A)(v) tax code, separation from service in the year he turns 55 to get around the 10% early distribution penalty. However, he has considerable gains in company Stock and is interested in using Net Unrealized Appreciation as a option in moving out is stock into a Brokerage account. His current FMV is
$263,640 and his Cost Basis is around $16,000. I agree it makes sense to use NUA, however, in looking at the IRS Publication 575 on the topic, it says that you have to reach age 59 ½ for NUA….is that how you read the code? I think that there would only be a 10% early distribution penalty on the cost basis, correct?
M Jones
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2016-12-16 03:16
Permalink Submitted by Megan Jones on Fri, 2016-12-16 14:27
Thanks you for your detailed response.