If 5498 is for IRA Contributions, how is it ued for Distributions/RMDs taken from Inherited/Beneficiary IRAs?
Is a 5498 always used for Inherited/Beneficiary Traditional IRA Accounts? If 5498 is for IRA Contributions, how is it used for Distributions/RMDs taken from Inherited/Beneficiary IRAs? Should someone who inherited a Traditional NON Spouse IRA, and therefore is unable to make any contribuions to that IRA, still have a 5498 completed by the Custodian for that inherited IRA Account? If so, I presume, 5498 should still have IRA checked in Box 7 and show RMD amounts and Fair Market Value? Also, should the full account title as in “Jane Doe (beneficiary) John Jones (Deceased).” be listed in Participant’s Name section? Anything else?
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Tue, 2016-12-20 17:18
Permalink Submitted by Cheryl Van Beek on Tue, 2016-12-20 18:11
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by Jose Morales on Tue, 2016-12-20 23:11
To address one point in the original post, although a beneficiary will receive a 5498 (unless the FMV is otherwise provided on a year end statement) the RMD will not be listed. RMDs are provided only for the original account owner as there is no easy way for an IRA Custodian to easily determine a beneficiary’s mandatory distribution amount in many circumstances.