Two Different Account Numbers & 2 different 1099Rs same decedent
A non spouse beneficiary of inherited traditional IRA is only completing 8606s this year for IRAs that were inherited (none for her own IRAs) because beneficiary isn’t of age to take RMDs from her own IRAs, nor is she making contributions to a Traditional IRA for 2016.
The 1099R for the decedent’s 2015 RMD taken in 2016 by Beneficiary lists both the decedent and the beneficiary’s name and the other 1099R (for Beneficiary’s 2016 RMD taken from the new account number of the inherited IRA, as mentioned previously, just lists the beneficiary’s name, SSN, IRA & Death Distributions boxes checked.)
So Beneficiary can just write across the top of one (standard) 8606: the two different account numbers from the two respective 1099-Rs from the IRA (original from which Year of Death 2015 RMD for decedent was taken in 2016 by Beneficiary and the Inherited Account number for the new inherited account from which Beneficiary’s 2016 RMD was taken)?
It will be a paper return, but I’m confused, there’s a different 8606 form for inherited IRAs?
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2017-03-29 20:29
You only need to file Form 8606 to report contributions and/or distributions of non-deductible basis. Since Interited IRA/non-Inherited IRA (basis and balalnces) are maintatined seperately, if required seperate Form 8606s are required. If the Inherited IRAs have non-deductible contributions then an Inherited IRA Form 8606 is required. If the non-Inherited IRAs have non-deductible contributions then a non-Inherited IRA Form 8606 is required. If and only if they both have basis are two Form 8606s required. There is no different form, you just indicate “Inherited IRA” either by tax software or written if manual on the appropriete Form 8606
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2017-03-29 22:34