2015 Roth IRA Recharacterization
Client made a 2015 Roth IRA contribution of $6,500 but her MAGI to high therefore would be considered an excess contribution. She never removed contribution until this week. I don’t believe her CPA placed contribution on 2015 tax return since MAGI was to high. The IRA custodian couldn’t recharacterize 2015 contribution , too late according to them. However, IRA Custodian has form to allow client to carryover excess to future tax year(2017) but they don’t report to IRS. Her income in 2017 will allow for a Roth IRA contribution. Client must file IRS FORM 5329.
My questions are;
What is her deadline to file Form 5329 for 2016? She already filed taxes for 2016 so assume she would need to amend by 10/15/17 to avoid 2016 excess contribution penalty?
Client’s taxes have been filed for 2016 but CPA unaware she never removed 2015 Roth IRA contribution, should she be filing the 5329 for 2016 or when she files her taxes in 2017 since the contribution will be a carryover for 2017? She has already made a 2016 Trad IRA contribution due to excess MAGI.
I think she could remove the 2015 excess contribution before 2016 tax deadline to save the 2016 6% excess penalty. She has done this via IRA Custodian paperwork but they won’t report the carryover to 2017 to IRS since to much time has passed. It’s a very large and reputable MF company so assume they are correct in their non reporting of carryover to 2017.
I think she will have the excess penalty for 2015 only since she is fixing in 2016 but contribution going to 2017 so questioning the reporting of this?
The contribution of $5,500 has grown to $10,000. Still in awe the IRS doesn’t tax her or penalize on the NIA amount but all my readings support no tax/penalty on NIA but let me know if I’m missing something?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2017-04-15 15:55