combining RMD distributions

I inherited my husbands IRA as the sole beneficiary. I had it retitled under my name and ss number. Can I combine the RMD amounts from my traditional IRA s with this inherited IRA so that I can take only one combined distribution?

Assuming you mean that you now OWN the IRA and your husband’s name no longer appears in the title, then you can combine this account with your other owned IRAs. If you want to keep it separate you can take the total RMD for both in any combination from these accounts. However, if he passed in 2017 then the 2017 RMD would be what his RMD would have been to the extent that he did not complete it. If the IRA is still titled as inherited, please advise and if you have other questions, please confirm his year of death and age at the end of that year.

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