401(k) RMD – > 70.5

401(k) participant; still working, will turn 70.5 in 2017 – he is not a > 5% owner
He was offer a generous severance package – to begin in June and end in 2018

Am I correct in thinking the beginning of severance (i.e. June 2017) equals a separation from service? He would be subject to an 401(k) RMD for 2017? Subsequently roll the assets into an IRA?

thank you

Yes, “retirement” occurs in 2017 and makes 2017 the first RMD distribution year. However, his required beginning date is 4/1/2018 which means if he delays the direct rollover to 2018 he can also eliminate taking his first RMD in 2017 as he already will have a full earnings year in 2017. Best combination of options depends on the amount of his RMD and other income in each year.

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