Earnings on excess RothIRA contributions
I contributed too much to my RothIRA in 2014. I realized this in 2015 but withdrew the original contribution amount, not including the earnings. I then didn’t report the distribution because I foolishly assumed that it was a correction and didn’t need to be reported. Now the IRS wants to charge taxes on the distribution.
I know how to report that this distribution was to correct an excess, but what do I do about the earnings?
Can I treat the earnings as an excess contribution for 2014 and pay the 6% penalty for 2014, 2015, and 2016?
Do I have to also calculate any earnings on the earnings from when I withdrew the original amount till now?
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Thu, 2017-05-18 13:26
Permalink Submitted by Daniil Magdalin on Thu, 2017-05-18 14:47
That makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking. Thanks for your help,Daniil