Conduit IRA Trust

Under my living trust, there are separate conduit Retirement Plan trusts for each of my two children. Since these IRA trusts are conduit trusts, will the life expectancy option (stretch) for each child be maintained even with the following wording regarding beneficiaries, after the passing of each child?
A)My child (named) may, pursuant to a General Power of Appointment exercised in his last will, provide for the trust to pass to any person or entity, including his creditors and the creditors of his estate. If the General Power of Appointment is not exercised, then distribution shall be:
B)To his then living descendents, per stirpes. If no descendents, then to his brother (named), per stirpes. If no brother and his descendents are not living, then ½ to husband’s heirs at law and ½ to wife’s heirs at law.
Thank you for your help.

  • Why conduit trusts?  Conduit trusts rarely make any sense.  If the child lives to life expectancy, nothing will be left in the trust.  All of the trust assets will be thrown into the child’s estate for estate tax purposes, and will be exposed to the child’s creditors and spouses.
  • Why general powers of appointment?
  • Why is the default upon the child’s death outright rather than in further trust?
  • Is there any special reason for having a living trust?  Revocable trusts make sense in some cases, and in some states.  However, they’re overhyped and oversold, and for most people are not necessary, and tend to be a distraction.

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