IRA into 401k to defer RMD’s

My client is 70.5, still working, not an owner of the company he works for and qualifies to contribute to the company 401k. He also has other IRA’s. Can he defer his RMD’s on the other IRA’s if he is able to roll them into his company 401k at his current employer?

Yes, but not for the year he rolls the IRA into the 401k, just for later years and before the year client retires. For example, if rolled into 401k in 2017 and client retires in 2019, RMDs on the IRA money will only be avoided for 2018.

Thanks for your response.  What if he won’t be 70.5 until 2018 and he rolls the IRA into the 401k in 2017?

Then no IRA RMD for 2017.

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