Roth Conversions

I am interested in helping clients with Roth conversions. Are there any resources here that can educate me on the topics do’s and dont’s and assist me in becoming a better advisor? Which of Ed’s books should I study? Anything else? Thanks.

Ed Slott’s “The Retirement Savings Time Bond and How to Defuse It” is a good book.  Taking his 2 day IRA course is a good start (find a link above under Training/Advisors/2 Day IRA workshop).  Spending an hour a day reading all the posts and responses on this forum is a good start.  After a couple of years you’ll start to get the hang of it.  Journey of a thousand steps; How to eat an elephant, etc.  GL -m

See my article on Roth conversions in the April 2013 issue of Trusts & Estates: . 

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