How to rollover 403b subject to RMDs into a TIRA for a QCD/RMD next year
With the possibility of higher standard deductions, I (79 y.o.) am thinking about using QCDs next year as a way to get some tax credit for charitable giving, viz., through a lower AGI. I haven’t heard any discussion about Congress doing away with QCD yet. [Please comment if you heard otherwise.]
Now I don’t have a TIRA to do the QCD, but I do have two 403b accounts that are subject to RMD. I’ve been taking all of my 403b RMD out of one 403b account (call it A) while the other account (call it B) I am allowing to grow by not taking out any distributions from it. In other words, I am taking all of A’s and B’s RMD out of account A.
I am thinking about rolling B over into a TIRA. So even though I haven’t touch B at all for the past years, do I have to wait until all the RMDs (A’s and B’s) are taken out of A this year before I roll B over to a TIRA? And I do have to complete the rollover before 12/31, right? Do I need to do a direct rollover? And what would the 1099-R show? Would the RMD be listed separately from the rollover of B in the 1099-R?
After I’ve done the rollover to a TIRA presumably before 12/31 of this year, then next year I would just have A=403b and B=TIRA, which would afford two separate unmixable streams of RMDs. Conceivably I could use A’s RMD (along with SS) to fund my living expenses throughout the year, and wait until the end of next year after B had a chance to grow (I hope) before taking the QCD/RMD out of B. Is this thinking correct? And how would the 1099-R show the QCD? Am I correct to think the QCD will not be subject to both federal and state tax?
Please comment on any pitfalls I may be unknowingly falling into. Many thanks in advance.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2017-11-06 15:34
Permalink Submitted by Alan Feldstein on Fri, 2017-12-08 05:44
I want to fund a QCD with money in my 403b or 401k type of TSA. Why are there stupid rules that only allow an ira to fund a QCD? Those rules mean that I must first convert my TSA into an ira before I fund the QCD. Dumb!
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2017-12-08 16:48