default 5 year method RMD
1.Husband and wife pass away in terrible accident
2. Both under 70 1/2
3. Husband has 600k in 401k
4. 2 bene in late teens
5. Money stays in 401k and split into one account for each bene.
6. No RMDs taken out during last 5 years.
7. Children receive just received letter saying 100% of money has to be paid out by 12/31/2017.
8 Children approach me to see if they have options.
9 Each account now has 600k in it
10 Children say they were never made aware that they had to take money out and they also ignored account because of tragic loss of parents.
My question is there anyway to change back to stretch IRA and make up RMDs?
Is there a way to get an exception from IRS?
What if any options do they have and what steps need to be taken ASAP?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2017-12-05 19:25
Permalink Submitted by Michael Seese on Tue, 2017-12-05 20:28
Lets say the administrator did everything correct. Beneficiaries just dropped the ball and did not take RMDs. What options do the beneficiaries have as far as exceptions?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2017-12-05 22:25