Self Directed — Roth Powerball ????
Since a self directed Roth can invest in almost anything, can one “rollover” say $200.00 from an Roth IRA and “invest” the $200 in a “self directed” powerball or other lottery ROTH tickets? Thus the winnings (gain on the investment) would be tax free.
Permalink Submitted by Ben Meyer on Sun, 2017-12-24 14:55
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2017-12-24 17:58
It would be interesting to call Equity Trust or other large self directed IRA custodian and ask them if they support the purchase of lottery tickets in an IRA, most likely a Roth IRA. It is not an excluded investment in Sec 4975, but as Benn indicated, it is very possible that state lottery laws do not allow an IRA to purchase a ticket since tax revenue on the payout would be deferred or lost. Form 5498 reporting would probably show Code B if it got that far (debt instrument) and an unpaid ticket was held on 12/31. Otherwise, once paid it would just be cash with withholding issues. Most likely, someone has already investigated this and only go so far.