Why 2 RMDs in same year
Here are the facts:
Your Birthday: August 12, 1947
You’re 70½: February 12, 2018
1st RMD due: April 1, 2019
I understand that I have to take a second RMD again by December 31, 2019. Is that is correct??
If that is correct, why 2 RMDs in the same year?
If I have $100,000 in my IRA by 12/31/2018 then I use the factor to determine the amount for the 1st RMD by April 1, 2019. OK that is simple.
But what value do I use for the second one due by 12/31/2019?
Thank all of you who can explain this to me.
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Fri, 2018-01-26 12:53
Permalink Submitted by Keith James on Mon, 2018-01-29 19:21
Thank you DMx, Keith
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2018-01-26 17:23
In addition, note that if you delay your 2018 RMD to early 2019, you will be taxed on 2 RMDs in 2019, both your delayed 2018 RMD and your 2019 RMD. And your 2019 RMD will be roughly 3.8% higher because your 2018 RMD had not been distributed in 2018 and therefore your 12/31/2018 balance will be higher than if you taken out the 2018 RMD in 2018.
Permalink Submitted by Keith James on Mon, 2018-01-29 19:22
Thank you, Alan Keith