Roth 401k rollover
Please clarify the logistics of a NQ Roth 401k rollover via my example below. I have posted on this many times over past 2 years but seem to still be confused.
Client contributed to Roth 401k for past 7 years. Total Roth 401k contributions are $100,000 and earnings are $50,000. Client separates from employer at age 50, I realize the Roth 401k Rollover will be coded as NQ since he was not 59.5. However, I’m led to believe the plan may cut 2 checks; 1 for contributions and 1 for earnings but both eligible to be rolled over to Roth IRA. Also some plans(my experience) don’t cut 2 checks only 1 but break down the contributions/earnings on tax form.
I encourage anyone who contributes to a Roth 401K to also open a Roth IRA to start the 5 year clock.
I thought I read on this forum that the earnings would need to be rolled into Trad IRA not Roth if NQ. I don’t think this is correct and believe it may have been a question to forum and not the correct answer.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2018-02-05 17:05
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Mon, 2018-02-05 18:17