Subsequent 8606s for Inherited IRAs
When reporting distributions & basis on inherited IRA 8606, for clarity, can “Inherited IRA from (Decedent’s Name)” with name of accounts and account numbers be written across the top of each 8606 filed every year–or just the first year it is filed?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2018-03-13 21:44
This info should be written on the 8606 every year unless it is the only IRA you have. If you have your own IRA and have to file a separate 8606 for it, you may not be able to file yourself with off the shelf tax programs and may have to file a paper return. If you have only the inherited IRA and are using a tax program, you should be able to add an explanatory statement since you will not be writing on the 8606 itself.
Permalink Submitted by Cheryl Van Beek on Wed, 2018-03-14 19:09
Thank you!