Spousal IRA RMD hen survivor dies
There is a Spousal IRA Account, The surviving spouse dies this year, the beneficial are three daughters. The surving spouse would have been 70.5 years old on December 25, 2018. Since the owner would have been 70.5 going forward the daughters would need to take RMD however for 2018 do they take their mom’s RMD, or their RMD’s or both?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2018-05-25 19:37
These situations can be complex, particularly if owner or beneficiary is around age 70. Please advise when the IRA owner passed, and whether it was before or after the owner’s RBD. Also, should it be assumed that the surviving spouse could NOT have defaulted to ownership of the inherited IRA by failing to complete a beneficiary RMD in any year prior to 2018? This makes all the difference with respect to the stretch for the daughters. However, if the daughters need to take an RMD for 2018, it would be the beneficiary RMD of the surviving spouse. Their own beneficiary RMDs start in 2019, and there will be a large difference depending on whether mother was deemed the owner of the IRA or the beneficiary. Daughters must continue to use mother’s RMD divisors if they are successor beneficiaries, but with a 1.0 reduction.
Permalink Submitted by Marta Puzia on Thu, 2018-06-07 16:08
So this was a spousal IRA to begin with (not sure if that makes any difference) and 1st decesed spouse would have turn 70.5 this year on 12/25/2018 the second decease spouse was older and was not taking the RMD since it was allowed to used the younger 1st deceased spouse age. So yes mother was demmed the beneficiary from the begining. Also just to clarify if the daughter don’t need to take the distributions now they can wait until 2019 and take their onw RMDs?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2018-06-07 17:48